Ecosystems, Finance & Health

Mobilizing Finance for
Health & Nature

Mobilizing Finance for
Health & Nature
Well-functioning ecosystems, sustainable food systems and strong public healthcare are the foundations of human wellbeing and the global economy.
These life support systems, distributed across landscapes, can help us navigate an uncertain future.

These systems, however, are under increasing pressure from climate change, nature degradation and changing social and economic conditions. This leaves communities at risk of health threats and economic and political instability.
At least 80% of human pathogens are environmentally mediated, and 23% of global human deaths are due to modifiable environmental risks.

Through interdisciplinary collaboration and capacity building, EFH will position African science & innovation at the forefront of global efforts to link sustainable economies, tropical ecosystems and public health. Solutions developed in Africa can easily be applied to other landscapes in the tropics.
The global financial sector has yet to consider the risks and opportunities of jointly improving ecosystems, food systems and public health systems on health and sustainable development goals.
This is despite the global health care sector being worth more than US$ 9 trillion, and Nature markets being worth US$ 200 billion.

Ecosystems, Finance & Health
is a new Africa-led initiative that seeks integrated financing for health and nature, by enabling the financial sector to invest in solutions that link ecosystems and food systems to the health of rural and urban populations.
We believe this is a more cost-effective and equitable way of improving health, that can also meet sustainable development goals and generate financial returns on investment.
Our Approach

1. An intelligence platform
that provides communities and project developers with the local knowledge and actionable science required to identify and prioritize solutions to common public health and environmental threats.

2. Living Labs
which demonstrate how transformative, system-wide solutions to the climate and biodiversity crises and their impacts on public health can be designed and financed.

3. A financing platform
that gives investors the confidence to finance interventions along pathways linking environmental sustainability to human health.
Why Africa?
21st century Africa maintains a quarter of global biodiversity, providing vital terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem services to the planet and bringing economic prosperity to more than a billion people.
As the continent gears up for significant social and economic development in the next two decades, designing solutions to health and environmental challenges that recognize the close relationship people still maintain with their ancestral lands offers a unique opportunity to build green, healthy and equitable economies.

Co-designing a new initiative
In March 2024 we gathered 40 leading experts from science, finance, governments, NGOs, and affected communities to explore the feasibility of building an investment case and de-risking mechanisms for co-management of ecosystems and public health in Africa. The goal was to collectively co-create a road map outlining steps that could be taken towards achieving this.

Inception workshop
Read more about our inception workshop, which took place Namunyak Conservancy. Namunyak meaning “place of peace”, lies in a ruggedly beautiful valley on the southern-most edge of the Sahel in northern Kenya.

Our Core Partners